WELCOME to my world!! If you don't already know me and have a few seconds, I'd like to introduce myself to you . . .  proper-like:

I'm a writer at the heart of everything that I do, from music to BBQing with friends on Lake Geneva, in Switzerland. Every day, every moment is an opportunity to be creative and to live new moments that haven't been lived before.

I vibe on blurring the lines between fantasy and reality. My songs and productions are, more and more as time goes on, explorations of the fringe and beyond. I’ve always been into the human stories within fantasies. I’m a huge sci-fi and fantasy movie buff. Can’t get enough of “Star Trek” (all versions, even dating back to the original series :))), and “Interstellar,” big Nolan fan, and everything happening with A.I. . . . not that all of it is great for humanity . . . we will see. 

I’m into movies with a human story, a personal story of everyday people, who talk no shit . . . real language (shout out to Guy Ritchie and ALL of his brilliant street dialogue) within the hyper-fantastic circumstances that require them to rise to higher levels to either co-exist within the new reality or to conquer it. 

Basically, I'm into movies, podcasts, vids, and tiktoks with higher-awareness ideas because I feel like my journey is just starting. I know the future has very cool surprises in store for me and I'm happy to share that with you.

I love writing in all its forms. I've penned over 1000 songs and try not to write the same one twice.;) They're all like my babies... don't matter if they came out looking like princes or penguins, I love 'em all. :)))

Wrote a few children’s stories too, with a close buddy, and I’m almost finished with a short story. It's based on a frightening childhood experience that started as an innocent fib and grew into a humongous episode. It blew up and made the local papers in my hometown in rural Wisconsin. The story features the chaotic life inside a family of 11. 

But, for better or worse, my point of view is not an accepted one in my family. I grew up as a Catholic and most of my brothers and sisters converted to Evangelism. They think I’m crazy… and, maybe I am . . . I call myself a Universalist . . . meaning, I believe in the magic of the universe and I can’t help that I believe we are all eternal energy and consciousness that never dies… we only change form. I can’t help that I believe we are all LOVE and are part of this great universe, connected to each other forever. And, I can’t help that I believe we are not alone in the universe and that we are somehow perceived by other beings that we can’t perceive ourselves (though I think a few people can). 

And, by the way, friendly Aliens, if you're listening...PEACE AND WELCOME!

You might now be getting the idea that I have A LOT of experiences to draw upon.;)) I think we all do. Even the most seemingly mundane life is filled with drama and emotion. It might not be on the surface, but dive in and it's there. Hidden in plain sight.

And, looking forward, I'm so grateful to have happened upon Andy, at Bea1 in London. His guidance has put me on the map and my songs on the dance floors in Europe. I write the songs and his remixers make them bounce, pushing all the right knobs.

And coming full circle, on the dance floor, fantasy and reality are often interchangeable. Sometimes, especially when the club vibe is hot, the music is pumping, and everyone in the house is completely absorbed into the music, the SURREAL can feel more real than “reality,” whatever that is anyway. I believe our collective love energy takes us to a higher place, another reality... and that's when I feel most alive.

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